SH50: Do the Statistics Apply to You?

Are you the 'average' person?

There are lots of statistics out there talking about what the 'average' person does in a day, but do they apply to you?

In this episode, the humans discuss how Aidan spends his workday. Analysing the results of his time audit to see how long he spends on email compared to the average worker described in Cal Newport's A World Without Email. Explaining how to figure out how you spend your time. So you don't have to make decisions based on what the 'average' knowledge worker does.

Standard Humans is hosted by Aidan Dennehy and Evan.


A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload by Cal Newport

SH40: A World Without Email

Communication Overload: Our research shows most workers can’t go 6 minutes without checking email or IM by RescueTime


SH49: Radical Candour — How to Love Your Work and the People You Work With

What is Radical Candour?

How do you improve the feedback you receive from others?

Which countries give the most devastating feedback in the world?

In this episode the humans discuss Radical Candor by Kim Scott, a book that shows you don't have to choose between being a pushover and a jerk. By implementing Radical Candor―and avoiding the pitfalls of Obnoxious Aggression, Manipulative Insincerity, and Ruinous Empathy―you can be a kind person and great at your job at the same time.

Standard Humans is hosted by Aidan Dennehy and Evan.


Radical Candor by Kim Scott

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcom Gladwell - Book with the story about Korean Airlines

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention by Reed Hastings

The Radical Candor graph

Klick Health

Article with the scale ranking cultures on directness

Yuval Noah Harari on Israeli students

SH48: Practical Strategies to Become 'So Good They Can't Ignore You'

How do you show your values on a resume without just listing words?

Is it okay to change your long-term goals?

How do you find out exactly what to do to achieve your goals?

In this episode, the humans return to So Good They Can’t Ignore you by Cal Newport. Discussing how they’ve implemented the lessons they discussed in SH37: So Good They Can't Ignore You.

Standard Humans is hosted by Aidan Dennehy and Evan.


So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport

SH37: So Good They Can't Ignore You

Professional Certificate in Computer Science for Web Programming by HarvardX (Web development program Aidan completed)

Aidan’s Portfolio

SH43: A Jarl of Toast (Spring 2021 Yearly Theme Check-In)


Why We Shouldn’t Trust the Opinion of the Majority – a short reading from Plato’s Crito

“Then, my friend, we must not regard what the many say of us; but what he, the one man who has understanding of just and unjust, will say, and what the truth will say. And therefore you begin in error when you advise that we should regard the opinion of the many about just and unjust, good and evil, honourable and dishonourable.“ - Plato, Crito, The Last Days of Socrates

Association of Registered Graphic Designers

2021 Creative Directions: The Career Conference

Sometimes, Negative Feedback Is Best

Tell Me What I Did Wrong: Experts Seek and Respond to Negative Feedback

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott

Get a science degree. Save the planet. - Environmental Science at Waterloo

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The 5am Club by Robin Sharma

SH47: The Courage to be Disliked

Is everyone capable of being happy?

Are people able to change?

Does trauma exist?

In this episode the humans discuss The Courage to be Disliked, a book that shows you how to achieve real happiness and free yourself from your past experiences. Giving you the courage to change and ignore the limitations that we and those around us place on ourselves.

Standard Humans is hosted by Aidan Dennehy and Evan.


The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

SH39: Marcus Aurelius - How to do the Work of a Human Being

What is Adlerian Psychology?

Alfred Adler

Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

Kant argues that one can have moral worth (i.e., be a good person) only if one is motivated by morality

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life & Business by Charles Duhigg

The Science of Well-Being by Dr. Laurie Santos

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Episode 46: Stuff that Really Makes Us Happy (Well-Being 4)